Spring 2023 Vigil - Day 19 Summary

Sunday, March 12, 2023
Day 19 – 40 Days for Life
Third Sunday of Lent

It was a day of prayer, whether at the vigil location or in the chapel located across the street from the site.

I vigilated alone until Denis arrived just before 9am. He was then followed shortly thereafter by Charlotte and then Lise arrived next at 9:30am staying for her customary hour. Denis, Charlotte, and I staggered out vigil times so we three could take in one of the two masses at the chapel.

After mass, a few more people arrived to chat and pray - Filomena, Cécile, and a friend of the latter. We recited a rosary and then I remained alone from around 2pm until Greg’s arrival, just before 4pm.

My solitary time was marked by two exchanges.

  1. The first was with a woman in her mid-fifties who disagreed with my sign, "Pray for the end of abortion." She said that the two abortions she had had were the best decisions she had ever made and prepared her for the subsequent three children. She didn't stay much longer to discuss the matter further.
  2. A young woman, not quite 30, with her boyfriend came and objected to the same sign saying that it wounds women. She did not say how, whether post-abortive women had mentioned such to her or the like. Respectful, she listened as I presented the pro-life argument - the life of the unborn deserves respect and protection. A few more words were exchanged before she left.

I ended my day early thanks to Greg. At close to 4pm her arrived to replace me. Before leaving, I did some silent adortion in the chapel and recited a rosary with him. 

The weather was fine, sunny with the temperatures rising from -8c to +4c, though the wind picked up as I was leaving.

About nineteen hours of vigil prayer was done this day by eight participants during the twelve hours of coverage.

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  • Brian Jenkins
    published this page in Blogue 40 jours 2023-03-14 05:58:43 -0400