Spring 2023 Vigil - Day 7 Summary

Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Day 7 – 40 Days for Life, spring vigil
Feria in Lent

The weather held many surprises on this day.

Light snow fell for the better part of the day, intensifying in early and late afternoon. The wind was steady and again intensified in the early and late afternoon. Finally, though the temperatures were the warmest of the past ten days, coupled with the wind, it had a chilling effect, double-digit negatives.

City work crews were evident all day ensuring that vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic went on uninterrupted.

Through all this activity, a small group of prayer volunteers held strong. Thanks to Karin & Teresa, Nelly, Charlotte, and Jerome.

Abortion facility: The receptionist arrived at her customary early time - 7h40. Shortly thereafter, the first client, a young couple, arrived.

The vigil runs through to Sunday, April 2, 2023, daily from 7am to 7pm at the corner of Berri and St. Catherine Streets. For additional information, call (438) 930-8643.

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  • Brian Jenkins
    published this page in Blogue 40 jours 2023-03-01 06:31:17 -0500