Spring 2023 Vigil - Day 9 Summary

Thursday, March 2, 2023
Day 9 – 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil
Feria in Lent / Jesus Christ the High Priest

Below you will find what I have labelled as my Vigil Box Score. It is the cumulation of observations and notes taken during my time at the vigil location. From it, I draw in order to do my daily summaries.

Daily Summary
– Though the temperatures were the highest since the vigil began, today's humidity was also high, making it a tough go.

Else, an elderly gentleman, well dressed and in his early seventies, while waiting at the pedestrian crossing signal to change saw me and decided to come see me. At the time I was seated on the stool with the sign “Pray for the end of abortion.” As is frequently the case, my “interlocutor” spoke his mind and immediately walked off without waiting for a reply on my behalf. He said: “If you have a right to choose to pray, women have the right to choose what to do with their bodies.”


Weather Snow and wind for the better par of the day, though temperatures were mild -2c (-8c wind chill) / 1c (93% humidity)
Clothing - ok Heavy duty less one layer; used Hot paws (3x)
Participants (6, 56, 31) Brian (10 hours), ROSELINE (2), Jerome (1), Joanna (1), Lila (2), MAURICE from Monday (1) - Hours of prayer = 17 hours
Hours (11, 101) 7h00-19h00
Signs Three familiar ones
Visitors Daniel & Samuel; Lila; Pierre Lourdes
Prayers recited Sacred Wounds, Chaplet of St. Michael, rosary of the Seven Sorrows; Rosary of the child Jesus; Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the Way of the Cross
Abortion facility Three couples suspected of entering
Collateral Graces  
Vulnerable Kenny; James
Caritas Lila to Brian; Brian to Kenny, ... to James.


  • Participant (x, y, z) – where x designates the number of people having come on that particular day; y, the number having come to the vigil from the beginning; and z, the total number of different people who have come since the beginning.
  • Hours (x, y)x designates the number of vigils hours one or more persons have been present at the vigil location on that day; and y the total number since the beginning of the vigil. The maximum daily figure is 12 and the maximum b is 12 times the number of vigil days transpired. Regarding the latter, Day 9 amounted to 108 hours of vigil hours and as 101 have been covered, the 93.5% over the vigil hours have been covered.  

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  • Brian Jenkins
    published this page in Blogue 40 jours 2023-03-03 21:09:47 -0500